Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where's That Document Again?

It’s 9:00 Monday morning.

You’ve just arrived at work—phones ringing off the hook, clients demanding answers—and all you need is one document to clean up the mess.

But where did you put that file? And even if you spend your whole morning searching for the file, can you be sure that the document is still in it? If that critical file or document is missing, how would you explain that to your clients?

These are questions no professional wants to face. It would be bad enough to walk into your office to find all your files missing, but in a modern business, files can be spread out over multiple storage rooms or even multiple buildings. How long might it be before you even realize that critical information has been lost?

As a matter of fact, research shows that typical businesses with 1,000 workers waste $2.5 million to $3.5 million a year searching for nonexistent information, failing to find existing information, or recreating lost information.

Say you did spend the entire morning looking for that client’s file only to realize it’s been misfiled or lost completely. Do you know where to look for a copy? If there isn’t a duplicate, someone has to spend additional company time and money to replicate the work.

Sixty percent of employees waste an hour or more per day duplicating the work of others. There’s no reason for your company to fall into this statistic. The implementation of a successful document management system can streamline business processes in every department of your office.

As document retrieval and filing time decrease, so will printing, distribution and storage costs. Did you know that companies spend $120 in labor to find a misfiled document and $220 in labor reproducing a lost document?

Let PaperHost be your solution.

We’ve addressed the benefits of document management in saving employee time and company money, but your investment will return positive results in many other aspects of employee performance as well as your company mission.

It is important to think about how a PaperHost document management system can also improve regulatory compliance, facilitate communication, increase accessibility of business archives, enhance competitive positioning, decrease errors and create a more enjoyable work environment for employees.

Whether it’s your child’s bedroom, your office desk or your entire company, getting organized is a task most people would prefer to put off. But why should you continue to waste company time and resources when a better system is available?

At PaperHost, we reach far beyond hosted content to manage the entire lifecycle of digital assets, including document capture, data lift, backup and archival services with free retrieval software.

Learn more about how web-based document management can revolutionize your business at or contact us direct at 800-882-3573.